Caring For A Family Member With Dementia Doesn't Have To Be A Struggle...

Most Caregivers struggle for YEARS throughout their entire caregiving journey. 

They think the only way to feel better is to wait for caregiving to be over.

They are wrong - There IS a better way to go through this life stage.

You CAN feel better while caring for someone with dementia. 

You CAN pursue your goals and do things you enjoy. 

You CAN actually enjoy your loved one's company. 

Peace, joy, and connection are possible.

Thousands of others have done this. 

You can too. 
Elyce, Care Course member and
Careblazer to her husband
with dementia 
It all starts with the Care Course.

The Truth About Why Nothing Has Worked So Far...

Most caregivers search through articles, videos, books, and attend appointments with almost NO relief.

They start to believe it's impossible to feel better, build friendships, and improve their health.

Most healthcare professionals have zero training in dementia.
Quick appointments don't give families enough time to ask questions and get real answers.

Seeing an "expert" a few times a year is hardly enough for real ongoing support.

Most dementia tips online are generic and don't take into account a person's unique situation. 

Many of the people teaching these tips have zero formal training in how dementia impacts the brain.

It's no wonder success in caregiving feels impossible when no one has taken the time to share what you need to know and what really works. 
It's not your fault. The healthcare system has to do better

There IS Hope...

Just because nothing has worked so far, doesn't mean things can't begin to work out. 

Doing the same things over and over will never get you a new result. 

You have to try something new. 

You have to believe in something new. 

It IS possible for you - even if it feels impossible now.
Imagine what you could say by trying something new.


Get Access To: 


Access in depth training programs to help you with any caregiving challenge 24/7 inside your private member portal so that you can get the answers you need without leaving your home or rearranging your schedule.


Connect to amazing and supportive Careblazers weekly through online support rooms so that you can build relationships and belief that finding joy and connection is a possibility for you because they are living proof.  


Get invitations to private expert Q & A sessions where we figure out how to apply dementia care strategies to your specific situation so that you are never alone and struggling to figure out what to try next.


Dr. Natali is one of only a handful of board-certified geropsychologists in the country.

She spent 13 years working for a large hospital in a variety of different settings including: nursing homes, assessment centers, and home care. She has seen how dementia impacts families at all stages of the disease process.

After seeing how difficult the healthcare system made it for families to get the information and care they deserve, she starting posting information videos online to help caregivers in ways the hospital was failing. 

She now has the #1 Dementia Training Channel on YouTube with over 9 million views worldwide and her company, Dementia Careblazers was named the Caregiving Organization of The Year for 2022.


Get the step by step system to help you successfully care for your loved one with dementia - and get live support and along the way.

The 3 Step MAP to Caregiving Success Any Caregiver Can Follow


Overcome the stress, frustration guilt, and overwhelm so that you can be ready to successfully respond to the most difficult dementia behaviors.


Learn the specific actions to take to help your situation so that you can avoid the common mistakes that usually make dementia behaviors worse.


Get the tools to be prepared for the most difficult dementia caregiving situations that lie ahead - even the ones that are unexpected.

"Your course was a life saver for me. I was sinking fast with the burden of caring for my husband while holding down a full time career. The stress and pressure can be suffocating at times. Then I found you and your course. It has helped me gain perspective and set boundaries. The guilt I used to feel has left. I'm starting to feel like me again."

- Suzette, Careblazer to her husband
with Lewy Body Dementia


No special training required. 

Easy to follow videos with ongoing live support to help you apply the lessons to your specific  caregiving situation.


You don't need any special equipment. 

All you need is the internet. All lessons are available 24/7 to fit your schedule.


Give yourself the chance to feel better while also giving amazing care to your loved one.

Caregiving doesn't have to be a struggle. This is your answer.

⬇︎ Here Is What You Get Inside The Care Course ⬇︎

Overwhelm will make everything in life and caregiving more difficult. Follow the steps inside this program to reduce your overwhelm so you feel more capable and confident in your ability to handle whatever the day brings you.
Get access to activities you can do while being a busy caregiver, including: activities for your loved one to do, and activities you can both enjoy together. Fun doesn't have to wait for caregiving to be over.
Get access to the wildly popular Make Caregiving Easier experience designed to help you feel better after just the first day. You will get access to the original 14 day experience as well as the 5 day experience- PLUS workbooks!
This is the SIGNATURE program that walks you through the 3 steps for caregiving success so that you can feel better, know how to respond to difficult situations, and prepare yourself for any future caregiving challenge.
Get the basics on dementia that  a quick appointment doesn't have time to answer. What are the different types of dementia, how is it diagnosed, who can help - all these questions and more are answered inside.
This program teaches you the simple system you can follow  to respond to any difficult dementia behavior so you aren't guessing what to do. Learn how to actually prevent and reduce the behavior from happening again.
Great dementia care requires more than a primary care physician and a neurologist. There are many different healthcare providers that can improve the quality of life for people with dementia. Learn about the different options.
This program helps you build (or maintain) a positive relationship with your loved one with dementia. Actually enjoy your loved one again and follow the daily 5 minute activities to help make them more accepting of your care.
Holidays such as birthdays, anniversaries, and Christmas can be hard when caring for a loved one with dementia. Learn how to create joy and positive memories you can look back on for years to come despite all the change.


All this PLUS workbooks are located inside your private member portal you can access 24/7- any time you want.

✨✨ PLUS ✨✨


Weekly support rooms are available so that you can connect with other Careblazers, create friendships, and get ideas from other people who understand what it's like to care for someone with dementia. 

There are support groups for caregivers caring for spouses/partners and support groups for caregivers caring for a non-spouse/partner such as a parent or grandparent.

✨✨ AND ✨✨


Caring for a loved one with dementia comes with many unique challenges- that means you will likely have some questions. 

Live Q & A sessions happen at least twice a month so you can get feedback on your personal situations and learn from other questions. Can't attend live? No problem! All sessions are recorded  and uploaded to your private portal so you can watch them when you want (and access a vault of live recordings from the past).
Go through the Care Course and apply the lessons to your life. If you don’t feel it’s totally improved your caregiving situation for the better, turn in your work and we will give you your money back. 

We can make this guarantee because we know that if you apply the lessons, you will get the results. We don't make it super easy to cancel.  Why? Because we know that this program can truly change your entire caregiving journey...if you let it. 

We are serious about helping dementia caregivers who truly want the help.  We are dedicated to supporting and helping you and we want to make sure you are willing to do the same for yourself. I also know from working with caregivers for over a decade that caregivers tend to put themselves last and they are likely to give up on themselves before anyone else.  I don't want to make that easy for you to do.

I believe in this program and I believe in YOU. You can read the full terms and conditions here.


You can choose to pay in full for an extra discounted rate or pay in 3 monthly installments

"I joined this program early because I saw what other caregivers were experiencing and I wanted to avoid a crisis. Learning through the live Q & A's has helped me feel prepared and confident in my ability to handle challenges."

-Toni, Careblazer to her mom

"I have patience and understanding since going through this program. In the past, I would lose my temper. My kids even notice how much I've changed. I'm able to respond differently to challenging situations and we don't argue as much."

- Mickey, Careblazer to his wife

"I'm usually skeptical about any online program. But everything in the program is so practical and helpful. It can be applied the day you get it. Having access to others going through it is also amazing. I don't know where I'd be if I didn't join."

- Beverly, Careblazer to her husband

"I think so often of my dark days and how every night I'd listen to your videos & classes. I'm once again experiencing happiness. I have joy. I have peace. I'll always hold the name Dr. Natali and your program as one so very special."

-Tom, Careblazer to his wife

"When I first started I was as tight as a string about to pop. Now my husband said I'm so much calmer and there's such a difference in how I'm handling things. I feel it. Having this community is a life-line pulling me back to solid ground."

- Dawn, Careblazer to her mom

"I needed the help. I was losing my patience and yelling a lot. I couldn't imagine treating someone that way so I knew I had to do something different. I now have peace of mind, am more calm, and no longer yell at him."

- Beverly, Careblazer to her husband

"Once I started looking at everything available to me, it was like a lightbulb went on. The information was realistic and heart-felt. It's given me more direction in how to help my mom and now when I'm with her we can do fun stuff. The program helped me make a decision to change the way I approach my time with my mom. It's improved the quality of the time I have with her. The program was able to answer questions I had that hadn't been properly answered before by others. I looked at the content and was pleased it was so diverse and offered so many topics and issues. I learned so much." - Martha

"I initially didn't want to pay money to join a program because I've worked in the mental health field. I kind of felt like I knew all the answers. I was really resisting it. But I knew things were only going to get worse and I was feeling really down. I felt like my life was on hold, but your course has given me my life back and reminded me to look after myself and keep planning for the future. The support groups have given me hope. The live Q & A's are amazing. The Care Club got me motivated again and enthusiastic. Give it a go. You've only got one life. If you want to make the most out of the time with your loved one. This is an excellent way to do that." - Amanda

"I felt like I was drowning and this was my life saver. There's this network of support. We have each other to talk to. It's made all the difference for me.  If I have something I'm really concerned about I know I can send it to Dr. Natali for help. But I'm going to learn no matter who is asking what question. I can handle all the crises. It's given me the knowledge and foundation that I need to be able to help my mom. Had I not found this program, I don't know if I would've survived." - Dawn

"Already I have seen a change in my father's behavior and things now got a little easier. With this course I can see it just getting better. Yay!"

"Your Care Course was the best money money I ever spent. It helped me understand what was going on with my husband. It helped me change my thinking, and as a result I was much more at peace, and was able to take much better care of my husband and not react to difficult situations as much."

"Dr. Natali's course was a real game changer for me. The YouTube videos are an excellent resource but signing up for the Care Course really helped me break through the super difficult aspects of being on this journey. Learning to cope with the everyday challenges has made me a calmer and more effective caregiver."

"The course immediately helped me. The course goes much deeper than information I could find browsing the internet. It prepared me for interacting with strangers, navigating family issues, my own frustrations with dementia and taking care of myself. It has simply been the best experience in my caregiving journey."

"Thank you so much for taking the time to really hear me and direct me. I so appreciate that you were okay with the asking. It was one of the reasons I joined. I knew there would be difficult days ahead and I wanted a resource that I could reach out, and get answers."
Just imagine what you will say after going through this program.


Here's something to consider...

There is never a "perfect" time to do something new.

There will always be obstacles, challenges, and demands on your time.

The longer we wait to do things, the harder it is to get started

...and many people never end up starting at all.

Reflect on how caregiving has been going for you up to this point. 

Think about how other caregivers typically go through the caregiving journey. 

Do you want to experience that for years and years to come? 

Probably not. 

In order for things to be different, you have to do something different. 

You have more power than you realize to create a more peaceful journey. 

Believe in yourself. Believe in a better way. It starts with the Care Course.

Whether you decide to join us in the Care Course or you decide to continue going through the journey on your own, know that you are making a choice. What choice do want to make?


How do I access the course?
ALL course lessons are inside of a private member website. You will get your own special link to enter the website. From there, you can watch all of the lessons any time you want from the comfort of your home. 
What if I can't make the live training times? 
You don’t have to. Being a Careblazer means you are busy and life can be unpredictable. That’s why there is no need for you to rearrange your schedule. Every lesson and training is recorded and uploaded to a private website for you. You can watch whenever it best fits your schedule. You don’t have to watch anything live. Plus, there is a way for you to submit your questions for the live Q & A's sessions even if you can't attend live-- we've truly thought of everything.
What special equipment do I need?
No special equipment is need to fully participate. All you need is an open mind, willingness to learn, and internet access. If you've ever been able to watch any video from your computer, tablet, or phone, then you have all the equipment you need to fully participate in this program. 
How long do I have access to everything?
You have access to the Care Course plus all training bonus programs for life. You can access them and watch them as often and whenever you like. The support groups and Q & A programs are for one year. We recommend having 1 hour a week or 10 minutes a day to dedicate to this program.
Can I join later?
You can join later, but the price may be higher. 


The type of person who blames everyone else for why nothing can improve. 

The person who thinks one tip or trick is going to solve everything. 

The person who joins a program and then expect things to miraculously improve without doing any thing or by learning one “magic” trick.

The person who negatively judges other people’s caregiving decisions. We recognize that different situations require different decisions. 

People who aren’t willing to change and think that the only way for things to get better is for the person with dementia to change. 

The person who wants different results but aren’t willing to do anything differently.  


The person who is caring for a loved one with any type of dementia. 

The caregiver who wants to make the best possible decisions for that person.
The caregiver who wants to find ways to connect, find joy, and make the most out of whatever time you have left. 

The caregiver who wants to feel as good as possible and enjoy what they can in the time left. 

The caregiver who wants to show up as the best version of themselves even when it’s difficult. 

The caregiver who wants to show up patient, kind, loving, and faithful even in the most difficult circumstances.


What if this program doesn't help me?
The only way for this program to help you is if you use the program. If for some strange unexplainable reason this program does not help you, then there is a 30 day money back guarantee. We will confirm that you have actually gone through the Care Course (after all, how can you know if it helps if you don't use it?). Once we've confirmed you've completed the Care Course, we will issue you are refund. 
Does this work if my loved one is in [fill in the blank]?
Yes. We have many caregivers inside this program whose loved one is in a care facility, hospice, living in a different state, or even passed away. As I’m sure you can imagine, the problems of guilt, stress, overwhelm, and difficult behaviors don’t just go away when someone is placed in a care facility or enters a different level of care. You can apply all the principles of this Care Course to all of those situations.

What if it's not that bad yet?
That's great! You don’t have to wait for it to get that way. In fact, we recommend not waiting until it gets awful. We recommend preventing it from getting awful in the first place. By following the best practices, learning from other amazing careblazers, and having a place to get feedback on your challenges as they happen, you can get ahead of certain behaviors and prevent many of the common mistakes that end up making the caregiving journey miserable.
I don't have extra time, how am I supposed to do this?
It makes total sense that you don't have extra time since you're busy being the caregiver, the home keeper, cook, driver, and all of the other things you have to do to keep your life and your families life going! To really see traction and improvement, you need about 10 minutes a day or 1 hour a week.  Also, when you know how to respond to challenging situations in a way that helps the situations and doesn’t make things worse, the time you used to spend trying to convince or argue with them is now freed up for other things.

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