Ready For The Next Level of Caregiving?
This Holiday Flash Deal Ends Soon.
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
$300 discount until the timer runs out.
Sue + Andrea, Care Course Members

Welcome to a Life-Changing Journey,

Caring for a family member with dementia is filled with many challenges. You've felt the weight of the stress, the overwhelming moments, and the constant confusion that often accompanies this path.

But there's something new on the horizon – a guiding light through the darkness. 

The Care Course program is here to offer you a different experience -one filled with hope, a sense of community, and invaluable information.

If you're determined to provide the best care possible for your loved one without compromising your own well-being, this program is your lifeline. 

There is a better way to go through the caregiving journey.

Inside this program, you'll find the support and knowledge you've longed for but didn't know existed...until now. 

It's time to embrace a caregiving journey that brings you AND your loved one, the support, information, and fulfillment you deserve.
💖, Dr. Natali
P.S. For a limited time, get lifetime access to the Care Course PLUS 12 weeks FREE access to our Live Support Community. 🫨

⬇︎ Your Care Course Sneak Peak ⬇︎

Discover The Careblazer Difference:

Here Is What You Get Inside The Care Course:

1. Exclusive Video Lessons: Gain access to private video lessons that provide valuable insights not found anywhere else.

2. Comprehensive Workbook: Download a digital workbook that offers written lessons and reflective questions for a deeper understanding of the content.

3. Elder Law Bonus Resource: Access a valuable bonus resource on Elder Law to enhance your caregiving knowledge.

4. Lifetime Access: Enjoy lifetime access to the video lessons and workbook, ensuring you never miss out on updates or new content.

Special Holiday Bonus:

1. Care Course Live Support Community: For a limited time, get 12 weeks of FREE access to our thriving support community.

2. Weekly Support Rooms: Connect with fellow caregivers in weekly support rooms, where you can share experiences and receive guidance.

3. Expert Q & A Sessions: Participate in expert-led Q & A sessions giving you answers to specific caregiving challenges and situations.

4. Private Member Website: 24/7 access our private member website, where you'll find ongoing support, The "Behavior Bank," and access to over 12 private programs - including Joy During The Holidays and Overcoming Overwhelm.
This Holiday Bonus Is Only Available Through ⤵︎
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
When the timer hits zero, you can still get the Care Course, BUT the 12 weeks live support bonus will no longer be available.

Real Lives. Real Change.

"Once I started looking at everything available to me, it was like a lightbulb went on. The information was realistic and heart-felt. It's given me more direction in how to help my mom and no when I'm with her we can do fun stuff. The program helped me make a decision to change the way I approach my time with my mom. It's improved the quality of the time I have with her. The program was able to answer questions I had tha hadn't been properly answered before by others. I looked at the content and was pleased it was so diverse and offered so many topics and issues. I learned so much." - Martha

"When your looking at the cost of memory care, you're talking $7,000-$8,000 a month. This is per month you writing a check. Your program is nothing compared to that. And if it helps him stay at home longer, me able to content with him longer, then my goodness it's a win-win situation. I'm saving money in the long run. 

[UPDATE: Barbara's husband passed away. She was able to care for him safely at home the entire time.]

"I did the Care Course and once I watched the videos, I really knew who I had to be with him. That was the most important thing. This is probably bizarre, but I thought he was getting better. That's how good we were doing. That's how joyful everyday was. You have to give up what you thought. Things change and there's all this stuff going on with them and they are still very real people. What I would love to do is pay for other people to take the Care Course - I'm referring people all the time." - Mary

"I think so often of my dark days and how every night I'd listen to your videos & classes. I'm once again experiencing happiness. I have joy. I have peace. I'll always hold the name Dr. Natali and your program as one so very special."

-Tom, Careblazer to his wife

"When I first started I was as tight as a string about to pop. Now my husband said I'm so much calmer and there's such a difference in how I'm handling things. I feel it. Having this community is a life-line pulling me back to solid ground."

- Dawn, Careblazer to her mom

"I needed the help. I was losing my patience and yelling a lot. I couldn't imagine treating someone that way so I knew I had to do something different. I now have peace of mind, am more calm, and no longer yell at him."

- Beverly, Careblazer to her husband

"I joined this program early because I saw what other caregivers were experiencing and I wanted to avoid a crisis. Learning through the live Q & A's has helped me feel prepared and confident in my ability to handle challenges."

-Toni, Careblazer to her mom

"I have patience and understanding since going through this program. In the past, I would lose my temper. My kids even notice how much I've changed. I'm able to respond differently to challenging situations and we don't argue as much."

- Mickey, Careblazer to his wife

"I'm usually skeptical about any online program. But everything in the program is so practical and helpful. It can be applied the day you get it. Having access to others going through it is also amazing. I don't know where I'd be if I didn't join."

- Sue, Careblazer to her husband

How We Stand Out:

How We Stand Out:

✨ We are the only dementia caregiving company led by a board certified geropsychologist. 

✨ We don't just give information. We give community + support to use that information for transformation. 

✨ Our company was named the 2022 Dementia Caregiving company of the year.
🚨 🚨 🚨
This course isn't just for any caregiver.
It's for those who believe there's a better way to go through caregiving. 
🚨 🚨 🚨

This Care Course Is That Better Way.
Your Loved One's greatest asset is you.
Are you protecting that asset?


Dr. Natali is one of only a handful of board-certified geropsychologists in the country.

She spent 13 years working for a large hospital in a variety of different settings including: nursing homes, assessment centers, and home care. She has seen how dementia impacts families at all stages of the disease process.

After seeing how difficult the healthcare system made it for families to get the information and care they deserve, she starting posting information videos online to help caregivers in ways the hospital was failing. 

She now has the #1 Dementia Training Channel on YouTube with over 14 million views worldwide and her company, Dementia Careblazers was named the Caregiving Organization of The Year for 2022.


How do I access the course?
We email you the Care Course immediately after purchasing. The Care Course is a series of video lessons. They will be emailed to the email address you use to purchase the program. You will also receive a digital workbook with the written lessons included.  From there, you can watch all of the lessons any time you want from the comfort of your home. 
What if I can't make the live training times? 
You will get 12 weeks of free live support as part of this holiday special. You don’t have to attend anything live to get the benefit of live support. We understand you are busy and life can be unpredictable. That’s why there is no need for you to rearrange your schedule. Every lesson and training is recorded and uploaded to a private website for you. You can watch whenever it best fits your schedule. You don’t have to watch anything live. Plus, there is a way for you to submit your questions for the live Q & A's sessions even if you can't attend live- we've truly thought of everything.
What special equipment do I need?
No special equipment is need to fully participate. All you need is an open mind, willingness to learn, and internet access. If you've ever been able to watch any video from your computer, tablet, or phone, then you have all the equipment you need to fully participate in this program. 
How long do I have access to everything?
You have access to the Care Course for life. Live Support and bonuses is available for 12 weeks. There is a way for you to continue with live support after your 12 weeks if you wish. 
Can I join later?
You can join later, but it will be at the standard price, which at this time is $697 but may be even higher. It will also NOT include live support for free.  You will not be able to enroll at this fast action price again. If you know this is something you want, I’m giving you a gentle but firm urge to take advantage of this discounted price. We like to reward people who know what they want and take action toward that- because those are the people who have the most success. 

Why Isn't this free? I think everything should be free.
Our YouTube channel has hundreds of free videos for people without the financial resources. This program is for people who want more community support, information, and expert guidance. This program is for people who value high quality care and want ongoing support to know they are taking the right steps for their loved one.
What if this program doesn't help me?
The only way for this program to help you is if you use the program. We've had thousands of Careblazers go through this program and have amazing results. The amount of change and benefit you experience is up to you and your willingness to go through the program - AND - apply the lessons to your life. Because of the nature of the program (receiving the entire workbook and videos after joining - there are no refunds).
Does this work if my loved one is in [fill in the blank]?
Yes. We have many caregivers inside this program whose loved one is in a care facility, hospice, living in a different state, or even passed away. As I’m sure you can imagine, the problems of guilt, stress, overwhelm, and difficult behaviors don’t just go away when someone is placed in a care facility or enters a different level of care. You can apply all the principles of this Care Course to all of those situations.

What if it's not that bad yet?
That's great! You don’t have to wait for it to get that way. In fact, we recommend not waiting until it gets awful. We recommend preventing it from getting awful in the first place. By following the best practices, learning from other amazing careblazers, and having a place to get feedback on your challenges as they happen, you can get ahead of certain behaviors and prevent many of the common mistakes that end up making the caregiving journey miserable.
I don't have extra time, how am I supposed to do this?
It makes total sense that you don't have extra time since you're busy being the caregiver, the home keeper, cook, driver, and all of the other things you have to do to keep your life and your families life going! When you know how to respond to challenging situations in a way that helps and doesn’t make things worse you get more time back.

Can my other family members use this program too?
YES! We think it's a great idea for families to be on the same page as much as possible. That's why when you join this program, any person who is involved in caring for your loved one with dementia can also access the resources without having to join the program separately.
Are the Live Q & A calls on the same day and time each week? 
No. The live Q & A calls vary in the time and day to accommodate the various timezones of Careblazers located across the world. We release the times/dates monthly. There is no need to attend live in order to get your questions answered. There is a way to submit questions ahead of time and all sessions are recorded and uploaded to your private member area. 

The support groups happen weekly and those are on Wednesdays every week. The support group for spouses/partners is at 2pm eastern. The support group for non-spouses/partners are at 3pm eastern.
Copyright © 2023 DEMENTIA CAREBLAZERS All Rights Reserved.