Caring For A Loved One With Dementia? 

How To Change "Difficult" Dementia Behaviors

(even if nothing has worked so far)

Natali N. Edmonds, PsyD, ABPP | Board Certified Geropsychologist
Host of the #1 YouTube channel for dementia caregiver training with over 14 million views worldwide and over 155,000 subscribers.
Get access to important dementia care principles that most professionals don't have time to share during quick appointments - 
Yours Absolutely FREE!
Sign up takes less than 60 seconds.

Caring For Someone With Dementia Doesn't Have To Be This Hard.

In this virtual training, you'll learn how to: ⤵︎

I joined this program early because I saw what other caregivers were experiencing and I wanted to avoid a crisis. Learning through the live Q & A's has helped me feel prepared and confident in my ability to handle challenges."

-Toni, Careblazer to her mom

"I have patience and understanding since going through this program. In the past, I would lose my temper. My kids even notice how much I've changed. I'm able to respond differently to challenging situations and we don't argue as much."

- Mickey, Careblazer to his wife

"I'm usually skeptical about any online program. But everything in the program is so practical and helpful. It can be applied the day you get it. Having access to others going through it is also amazing. I don't know where I'd be if I didn't join."

- Sue, Careblazer to her husband

This Free Class is Hosted by Dementia Careblazers

Caregiving Organization of the Year for 2022



It's hard to dedicate so much time and effort to give care to someone who may not understand or even believe they help. 

It's even harder when no one has taken the time to let you know what actually works -and what tends to makes things worse.


Getting a brochure or booklet on dementia and being sent home with an appointment to return in one year isn’t good enough. 

Getting a 20 minute follow-up appointment 6 months away isn’t good enough. 

Our healthcare systems and our healthcare providers have to do more.


For the past 13 years, I've worked for a large hospital system where the amount of time I could spend, how often I could see the patient, and what I was able to talk about was determined by my supervisors and not by the need of the patient. That is NOT good care. 


Ny name is Dr. Natali Edmonds. I'm one of the few board-certified geropsychologists in the country. I've spent 13 years of my life working for a large hospital system. I saw that I wasn't able to give the care that my patients and their families deserved. So I left.

That's why I created a place where dementia caregivers all over the world could get access to trustworthy dementia information without having to leave their home.

My trainings have been viewed over 9 million times and are actively followed by over 110,000 dementia caregivers. 


For the time being, I've decided to put together this free video training as a way to share more specific information on how to make a difference in your caregiving experience. 
I hope you'll decide to set aside some time to watch. This is a recorded training so you don't have to adjust your schedule to attend anything live. 

I believe in you,
Dr. Natali

Who Is This Newsletter For?

This digital newsletter is helpful whether your loved one has been recently diagnosed with dementia or whether you've been caring for them for years.

New to Caregiving

  • Set yourself up for success by avoiding common mistakes
  • Maintain and foster a positive relationship with your loved one
  • ​Know what to expect and how to prepare

Caregiving For A While

  • Learn to avoid doing the things making caregiving harder
  • Revive any strain and tension in your relationship 
  • Start to take steps toward feeling more like yourself again
This page was made with love and hope that the information can make your caregiving journey a bit easier. It is not intended to be healthcare advice. Please consult your loved one's healthcare provider for specific recommendations for your situation.
Dementia Careblazers LLC @ 2023